Saturday, February 23, 2008

What a Fuckin' Shame...Katrina Still Haunts Us

Katrina's a fuckin' bitch.

Katrina was and continues to be a bitch.

But it goes beyond the initial death and destruction she caused.

She surfaced issues about race, about corruption, about choices in federal spending (or underspending), about media lies, about the facade that makes us think we're safe and protected by our government....and of course health care.

Mental health issues, stigmatized and under-treated, carry huge cost and societal burdens. And mental health has been underfunded (and has also had shameful access) for a long time.

This has been true for a long time, and it's also very true (magnified 10x) in New Orleans.

Bitch. I wish I could have ignored the problem...

Strong women get a bad rap. They raise issues that the rest of society doesn't want to deal with. They take a stand. They are accused of being unwomanly. And they know their shit. And society calls them "bitches".

Let's fucking listen for a change.