Monday, February 11, 2008

Bush Budget Reveals $178 Billion Cut in Medicare Spending

From the Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report on Feb 5, 2008:

"....President Bush on Monday released a $3.1 trillion fiscal year 2009 budget request that would reduce Medicare spending by $178 billion over five years, the Baltimore Sun reports (Hay Brown, Baltimore Sun, 2/5). Over 10 years, the budget request would reduce Medicare spending by about $560 billion....In an effort to reduce Medicare spending growth, the budget request 'asks doctors and hospitals to hold the line on what they charge the elderly for medical care' and maintains that 'cuts in Medicare can be painless -- even lowering premiums that seniors pay by capping what doctors and hospitals can charge...'"

Fuck you.

And good luck finding a primary care doc...they get hurt disproportionately.

You know, this is actually the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we can expect to see as a result of diverted funds due to war spending.

Again, fuck you and the one that made you.