Thursday, February 14, 2008

More on SGR...and How It Contributes to Growing Disparity Between Specialist and Primary Care Reimbursement

From the Health Affairs Blog..."Splitting the Sustainable Growth Rate..."

"...Lost in this debate is an appreciation of how the SGR approach has contributed to a large and widening gap in earnings between specialists and primary care physicians, an income gap that is a major contributor to the dwindling number of physicians entering careers in primary care, putting the foundation of the American health care system at risk...."

Yes.  We've argued about whether or not this pay differential is real and whether it's justified.  And primary care physicians (like me) continue to be pissed.  Fuck everyone.

Well, I think this author does a great job of analysis, as well as recommending a logical and feasible solution.

I'd love to know what I'm missing here....would it put specialists at more risk?  Fuck yeah.  But the same would apply to PCP's.
