Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Medical Home Costs Money

A medical home is a great concept, and it's right in line with the true role of primary care.

It's also going to take money to do it right....most of the work involved is not compensated currently.

Here's an article about a Medicaid pilot program in Illinois that pays $2 pmpm (per member, per month) for the service.

Bite me.

OK, I do want to be fair--this is most definitely a step in the right direction. But for it to be meaningful, it also depends on having a substantial number of "members" (Medicaid recipients as patients). And as everyone knows, the larger the percentage of your payer mix that is Medicaid, the less solvent your practice becomes.

Not to mention the fact that the other payers need to also pay their fair share...is this doc going to provide medical home services to some but not other patients? It's a logistical nightmare.

So right direction, good intent, but still "kinda pitchy dog....no to Hollywoood".