Friday, April 11, 2008

"Hospitals Not-Profit Full"

Was Zach of 'Rage Against the Machine' implying what we're all thinking now?

How many non-profit hospitals/hospital systems truly deserve their non-profit status?

Should they be competing with the for-profit systems in the same way?

No Shows

"No Shows" are a thorn in our sides.

A recent article suggests taking the approach that the airlines overbook.

Is the ideal of immediate access, no wait time, plenty of time with your physician, and quality care reasonable?

Is Primary Care Dead? And Do YOU Feel Fine?

From "Musings of a Distractible Mind":

Notice the subtle strife between internal medicine and family medicine, with the assumption that family physicians see less complex patients.

Notice that some primary care physicians are doing well...also note that this is in the Southeastern US, where reimbursement rates are higher overall.