Monday, February 11, 2008

Suppression of CDC Public Health Data in Great Lakes

Suppression of important public health data...why the fuck would someone want to suppress this?

Check out Maggie Mahar's comments on the suppression of a key CDC report of environmental and health data in the eight Great Lakes states, and tell me what you think.

She mentions:

"....Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study of environmental and health data in eight Great Lakes states that was scheduled for publication in July 2007. The report, which pointed to elevated rates of lung, colon, and breast cancer; low birth weight; and infant mortality in several of the geographical areas of concern has not yet been made public....A few days before the report was slated to be released, it was pulled. Meanwhile, at precisely the same time, its lead author, Christopher De Rosa, has been removed from the position he held since 1992. The Center for Public Integrity is asking why."

Is the Bush administration trying to shrink government by cutting so that federal agencies can't do their jobs?