Saturday, March 1, 2008

Flu Shots and Autism? Dumb Asses.

People are so frickin' stupid sometimes.

The CDC recommends flu shots for all kids now.

This story says that parents disagree.

The reasons are bullshit, by the way. Let me clear this up:

  • Vaccination does not cause autism (and "Dr. Bryan Jepsen" can't be a real physician--nor an autism expert--base on his suggestion--quackery in mainstream media).
  • The vaccination isn't just about protecting kids (the pediatrician interviewed doesn't seem to get this fact either)--it's about preventing it from spreading to the high-risk groups (the elderly, those with chronic diseases, the immunocompromised, etc.) for whom it really is deadly on a wide-scale basis. A great example of selfishness ("it's all about me") in our society.