Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Down with the Anti-Vaccinists!

I've said it before...

The anti-vaccinists are selfish bastards, that think nothing of leeching off of the rest of society. Belgium has taken a hard stand on this, and rightfully so, jailing Belgians that refuse polio vaccine.

Polio is a horrible disease. The World Health Organization's efforts at eradicating it started in 1988, and they've done a pretty damn good job: 99% reduction.

Both medical experts and bioethicists agree:

"...unlike other medical problems, in which rejecting treatment only affects the individual, refusing a vaccine for a transmissible disease like polio puts others at risk as well."

"Ethicists argue that people who refuse vaccinations are taking advantage of everyone else who has been vaccinated. Once the majority of a population is vaccinated, there are few susceptible people the disease can infect, thus lowering the odds of an outbreak.

People who refuse to be vaccinated are 'free riders,' Harris said. 'They can only afford to refuse the vaccine because they are surrounded by people who have fulfilled their obligations to the community.'"

So, listen up you fucking selfish dumbshit anti-vaccination cocksuckers! Just because you're rich enough to both "afford" and waste the luxury of health care in this country doesn't give you the right to potentially inflict harm on the rest of the population.

...and once and for all, despite the media bullshit, vaccines don't cause autism.

Bite me...self-indulgent assholes.