Was Zach of 'Rage Against the Machine' implying what we're all thinking now?
How many non-profit hospitals/hospital systems truly deserve their non-profit status?
Should they be competing with the for-profit systems in the same way?
A blog about the fucked-up state of healthcare, the cool shit some are doing to fix it, and other random thoughts. No bullshit. No posers. Just people who want action. Punk meets healthcare. Parental discretion advised.
Was Zach of 'Rage Against the Machine' implying what we're all thinking now?
Hi, I hope you still check this blog. I'm in a "College Anarchists" group at Arizona State University. Yes, we know such a group doesn't make much sense. We've been invited to have a "scholarly" speaker in an upcoming debate over healthcare reform along with a Democrat, Republican, and right-libertarian. We think it would be cool to have someone present anarchist ways of looking at the problems and solutions of healthcare, but we're not finding many options. If you're interested or can point us to someone else, please contact me at zifyduha@gmail.com. Thanks!
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